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Lucky Stones in Gambling

Hey there, friends! Today, I would like to present you with an unusual topic that will require you to keep an open mind. Actually, it requires more than a fair share of open-mindedness, but I’m certain you can handle it.

In pagan times, people believed that the power of the four elements: water, fire, air, earth was embodied in material objects. In stones, for example. And this is not in vain, because modern science recognizes the existence of rationality in the beliefs of ancestors. Speaking of physics, there is a constant exchange of energy in nature. Before falling into the human hands, the mineral could lie in the earth for thousands of years, absorbing an incredible amount of vibrations of the cosmos and the earth’s bowels. The powerful energy of the stone will necessarily affect its owner, showing his magical properties.


Gemstones are very common symbols found in slot games. Whoopee, it’s already getting hot and steamy here, just from mentioning that word. Rubies, emeralds, citrines, jaspers, sapphires, ambers, amethysts, etc.- the list goes on and on, each gem more precious than the previous one. You know what I’m talking about, you can picture it yourself. Just imagine beautiful crystals reflecting sunlight, luxury is almost tangible in titles like Hot Diamonds, Gems Gone Wild and Dazzling Diamonds.

Take a breather because if you’re like me, you’ll need to recover from such magnificent beauty. No wonder the gems are present in so many games! But have you ever wondered why this is the case? I certainly have, and I have arrived at an unexpected conclusion: It is obvious that video slots employ such symbolism in order to evoke feelings of grandeur, luxury and endless wealth. But do they really work?

“Common Rare” Gems in Slots

It’s not a bad heading, just a play on words, so let me tell you more about lucky stones. There are certain beliefs about the near-magical properties of these rare gems which are quite common in slots. Let’s see what they’re really about, and why most people choose games with gemstones above those without them.



Guys, I know why you’re here. Let’s not pretend that you’re not looking for a particular stone to boost the RTP score of that one game you really like. Because I really like you, we’ll start off with the most important gem of all – emerald. More commonly known as the stone of good fortune, you’ll recognize this gorgeous pebble by its greenish colour. Even though this is how it most commonly appears, there are also blue, yellow, orange and brown specimens as well.

Some say that emerald is the most powerful gem to attract wealth and bring the ability to hold cash with the player. This looks and sounds fascinating, don’t you think so? For emerald therapy, look out for these green stones in Unicorn Gems, Gems Gone Wild, and Dazzling Diamonds.



Gee, now there is a stone that I wouldn’t say no to. As red as blood itself, this powerful, balancing stone will give you strength and courage to help you brave the path of the gambler. No wonder, it pays up to x2,000 your line bet in Gems & Stones slot machine.



Mystical, blue stone is well-known for its hidden powers. Use it to sharpen your psychic powers and elevate your conscious self. If you have weak self-control, this lucky stone will tell you when it’s time to stop and withdraw from the game. Find out their mighty powers in Dazzling Diamonds slot.



I know how it is. You stumbled upon this article too late, and you didn’t get your sapphire to warn you when you should stop gambling. Now you’re down and out. No worries guys, amethyst is here to save the day. Just spin the reels in Gems Gone Wild! This purple beauty has the ability to restore your credit card balance and bring you wins.

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